*Please Note! You can still register for the Women's Retreat, however you must provide your own meals, thank for your understanading.
Women of Emmanuel! Mark your Calendars for April 4th & 5th for our Emmanuel Women's Retreat. An Emmanuel Women's overnight retreat at Wesley Acres. A time of encouragement from God's Word fellowship with one another and a mini-getaway from "life" for a night and a day. To build up and exhort the women in our church through studying God's Word and caring for one another so that we can go out and make disciples in our families and community. At Beautiful Wesley Acres Campground & Retreat Center.
Friday April 4 (Parenting seminar at 2pm (signup required), all others come for 6pm (after supper) through Saturday April 5 (8 am- 8pm). The Cost is $65, plus meals on top of that ($14 for breakfast, $16 for lunch and $20 for supper- what a deal for not having to make it yourself!!!) and accommodations are available for $105-$180/night per room. If you share a room with friends, it will split the cost among you. For ways to pay, visit our webiste here. Make sure to mark your payment "Women's Retreat"
Registration is available below! Pleaes Register by March 21st Rooms can be booked through the Wesley Acres Website Here.
Please call or email Laura if you have any questions: 705-768-0215 light.of.home@gmail.com
Our Guest Speaker will be Annette Ford. Annette is the Children’s Pastor at Toronto Community Alliance Church. Prior to this, she served with her husband Stephen for 19 years as an international worker with The Alliance Canada in Hungary and Kazakhstan. Annette is a certified teacher with masters’ degrees in intercultural studies and communication and a PhD in curriculum studies and teacher development. Annette and Stephen have two sons, two daughters, one son-in-law, and three grandchildren.
Annette is passionate about inviting people of all ages into a closer relationship with God. She offers children’s ministry workshops, five-session programs for kids, and youth messages. She also speaks to adults in churches, conferences, and other events on revolutionary love for God and others. Annette is the author of The Gift of Tears: A 10-Week Devotional Journey.
*Please note that you can still register for the retreat, however you will have to provide your own meals.