Why Small Groups? Our Mission as a church is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, to teach, baptize and to disciple unto maturity in Christ. To accomplish Discipleship at Emmanuel we have three words: Worship (Sunday Mornings), Grow (Small Groups & Ministry Groups), and Serve. We believe that small groups can provide one of the best contexts for believers to Grow spiritually, because Small groups relationally connect people in such a way that encourages them to be growing spiritually. Spiritual growth takes place best in the context of intentional relationships with other believers, studying and apply God's Word together, Praying for one another, and serving together.
While the key purpose for Small groups is Discipleship, a Secondary purpose of our small groups at Emmanuel is Physical and Spiritual Care. We believe that small groups can also provide the best context for people to be cared for and to care for others in and by the body of Christ.
Finally, small groups provide a place for all believers to Serve the body of Christ with their talents, and Spiritual gifting. We encourage everyone at Emmanuel to serve in and through their small group.
Therefore, our Vision is to see Every person at Emmanuel connected and committed to a Small Group, Bible Study group or Ministry Group.
When & Where do Small Groups Meet? Our Small groups usually meet every week, in different homes throughout the County or at our Church Building, on various days and nights during the week. They are Sermon based , usually have various ages represented, but all have the same format. A typical small group meeting lasts about 2 hours, and consists of Bible study, discussion, prayer, and usually food. we will do our best to place you in a group on a day or weeknight that works for you.
How Do I Join a small Group? We can work to find a small group that is right for you! We do recommend that you start by checking out our Small Groups Commitment here so you know the expectations of group members. Fill out the form below and we will do our best to work with you to connect you to the right group!