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At Emmanuel, children's safety and security is a top priority! 

Our Child Protection Policy includes the following:

  • Screening volunteers with criminal background checks (renewed every 3 years), with vulnerable sector screening. If you are a Children's Ministry staff or Volunteer and your Criminal Check is now due, you can pick up a form at the church and have it Signed by Pastor Shawn and sent you via email. Record checks must now be done online, free of charge, at the OPP website here
  • Getting  to know volunteers by requiring a minimum 6 months attending Emmanuel before being involved in children's and Youth Ministry.
  • A safe and secure registration and check in and check out system, with records that are kept.
  • Plan to Protect Training (renewed every 2 years). If you are a volunteer and are due for training, you will be contacted to attend an in person training event or online training. 
  • A clear response plan to protect victims in the event of any incidents.

IF you have any questions about our policies and procedures, please do not hesitate to contact us via email here.

613 920 1178