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Attention all Women of Emmanuel! You are invited to join our Womens Bible Study. It is for all women, whether married, single, younger, older, with or without children, to be a part of a life giving Bible study and build biblical relationships with other women. 

This year we are offering two options, Tuesday morning from 9:30-11:30am led by Billi Prinzen with Childcare Provided & Thursday Evening from 6:30-8:30pm, led by Laura Morden, without childcare provided

Childcare for toddlers and preschoolers is provided on Tuesday Mornings. Home-schooling children of various ages are welcome to come too, and to help out, read/do homework or hang out with each other while we study. If you have an infant, you are more than welcome to keep the baby with you, too, if you'd like.

Fall Study: Phylicia Masonheimer's "Knowing and Believing God's Love" a study on 1-3 John. Start Date is Tuesday Sept 24th. 

Sign up below or submit any questions you may have.




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