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Are you a First Time Visitor, thinking of Coming to Emmanuel?

Thank you for considering coming to Emmanuel Baptist Church, we are honored. This page will give you an idea of what to expect when you come through the doors of our church.













The People

The people of Emmanuel are a happy group of people that love to see new people coming into the church. We have people of all ages attending the Church. Our typical attendance on a Sunday morning is approximately 400-500 people. We have a lot of young families, children, as well as a thriving seniors group, and all ages in between. If you look through the website, you will see the different ministries that we have for the different age groups.

Sunday Morning

Emmanuel offers one service during the summer, at 10:00am. Between services we have coffee and tea available, and sometimes goodies that people bring! If you choose to do so, we'd love to have you stay. 


We have different worship teams led by our worship pastor that lead our worship time. The teams utilize a variety of instruments, including guitars, drums, keyboard, piano, violin, etc. We typically have a mixture of contemporary music and traditional hymns during the service.


If you have children, we provide a nursery for infants to 3 years old and also a Kids program that takes place during the worship services. Children start out in the service with thier families and then during the service they come to the front of the church for a story. After the children's story children ages 2 - Grade 8 go to their programs downstairs in our Kids area, run by our children's director. We work hard to provide a safe and secure environment for our kids including a "plan to protect program", screened volunteers, and well trained volunteers. Your child's safety is a top priority to us  We have  a lot of children and young families in our congregation. If you prefer your children to stay in the service and not go to Sunday school that is fine also.

What to Wear

We do not expect you to dress any particular way we're just glad that you're coming. Most of those who attend dress casually.

We look forward to seeing you! If you have any other questions about  our church or your first visit, please fill in the form below

Thank You for visiting Emmanuel or watching Emmanuel Online. We would really appreciate if you could Fill in the info below to let us know who or what brought you out and to make sure your experience with us was a good one, or to respond to something you heard in the service. If you are new to Emmanuel, we want to connect with you and help you get connected to our Family.

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How Can we Help You?
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