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Bible Reading & Study Plans and Apps
This year you’ll could be reading through the entire Bible - all 1,189 chapters of it. And like thousands of other "daily walkers,” you’ll discover you can reach your goal - one day at a time. Are you ready to launch your exciting expedition through the Bible? It starts with the first words of Genesis: "In the beginning God created...
Getting into and growing in your knowledge of the Bible can seem like an overwhelming task! Don't let it be! It takes a lifetime to grow in God's Word. Take it in bite size pieces. Check out the apps and websites below that can be great resources to help you get into and grow in your understanding of the Bible
Click on one of the apps below to start a plan! They are all free except the Dwell app which is audio based, but a great way to listen to the bible and a reasonable cost!
You Version Bible Study Bible Dwell Bible Project RightNow
Bible App Tools.com Gateway.com App App Media App
Bible in a Year