Emmanuel Staff
Pastor Daniel Dayton - Lead Pastor & Worship Pastor
Dan is a County boy who has a heart to see God’s people sing His praises and to see student’s faith come to life. He has been on staff at Emmanuel since 2010. Dan and his wife, Julie, have four children. Dan completed his Master of Arts in Biblical Leadership through Northwest Baptist Seminary in 2022, and was Ordained by the Fellowship in 2024. In January 2025 Dan became Lead Pastor at Emmanuel.
Pastor Peter Spragg - Teaching & Evangelism Pastor

Peter and Gill left that church to focus on raising their family. He started a publishing business, but remained very involved in youth ministry and leading Bible studies. In 2004, God called Peter to Emmanuel Baptist Church, and he became Lead pastor here in December of that year. "It has been amazing to be involved in the ministry here at Emmanuel," says Peter. "God has blessed us with a tremendous group of people who want to be used by God in bringing the message of salvation to Prince Edward County and beyond." In 2025, Pastor Peter moved to Pastor of Teaching & Evangelism.
Pastor Shawn Hippern (Discipleship Pastor & Administration)
Shawn was born in Toronto, Ontario and raised in Foster Care from the age of 3. At age 13 he came to know the Lord at Cobourg Fellowship Baptist Church and was soon baptized. After graduating from Emmanuel Bible College in 1997, he was married to Sarah and went into full time Ministry. He served for 4 years as a Youth Pastor at Wheatley Baptist Church, in Wheatley, Ontario followed by 10 years as the Pastor of Youth and Young Families at Shenstone Baptist Church in Brantford, Ontario. Shawn and Sarah came to Emmanuel in April 2017 with their four Kids: Kayla, Micah, Emma & Paul.
Rachel Conley (Congregational Care)
Rachel Conley is a true County girl. She was born here, grew up as a dairy farmer's daughter working hard on the family farm and feels so blessed to continue to call the County her home. Rachel gave her heart to the Lord in her teen years when a cute looking guy at school talked to her about Jesus. Years later she married that guy (Ken) and they now have 4 wonderful kids. As a family they have attended Emmanuel since 2008. Before her kids were born Rachel worked as a Registered Practical Nurse in long term care. She loves caring for people and her role as Congregational Care Director allows her the privilege of visiting the Congregation, caring for their needs and helping them connect to others within the church community. Currently she is finishing her Certificate in Christian Ministry through Eternity Bible College.
Doreen Kuipers (Office Administration & Bookkeeper)
Doreen Kuipers, a true country girl, was born and raised in a remote ranching community (Pink Mountain) on the edge of the Rocky Mountains in Northern British Columbia. She committed her life to the Lord at a young age and was water baptized at age 10 and has continued to grow in her Christian Faith/ Walk with God ever since. After meeting and falling in love with a PEC local county boy (Jasen Kuipers) Doreen moved here, got married, and has called The County home for the past 17 years, (and they have called Emmanuel home for the past 9 years) Together, her and Jasen work on the Kuiperscrest Holstein dairy farm with their 3 kids (Meghan, Courtney, Jayden) and Jasen’s parents, and just last year won the esteemed Canadian title of Master Breeder Herd! Doreen has done online bookkeeping courses, and is gifted in administration, and enjoys being involved in the church community here at Emmanuel.
Emmanuel Elders
Robert Scrivens
Bob was born on a farm in Saskatchewan, the youngest of three boys. He attended Marriott Public School, Nutana Collegiate-High School (Saskatoon), University of Saskatchewan (BA), Pine Hill Divinity Hall (Halifax)(MDiv), and Tyndale University and Seminary (Toronto) (Counseling Major). Bob made a Commitment to Jesus in 1953 through Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship and received a definite call of God to the ministry in 1959. He got Married to Mary Elizabeth Morrison in 1959, and has three Sons Brian, Blair, and Bradley and three Daughters in Law: Mona, Karen, and Julie. Bob has Grandchildren: Emily & Tyler (Soon to be married to Laura), Nicole(Ben), Madison. Bob was Ordained to ministry of the Word and Sacraments in 1961 through the United Church. He was involved in high school & university student work in Seoul, South Korea, and was the Pastor of congregations in Geogetown, Orangeville and St. Catharines. Bob has also ministered as a Christian Counselor at Crossroads Burlington, Belleville, Emmanuel Baptist Bloomfield, and was Staff Chaplain of QYFC. Bob has been an Elder at Emmanuel from 2013 to the present. Bob enjoys the fellowship of the church, preaching, teaching, counseling and mentoring. Bob is praying for revival in our land, a massive movement of the Holy Spirit.
Herman Prinzen
Herman grew up as county boy his whole life . Growing up on a dairy farm he realized the importance of good work, faithfulness, family and working together, After he completed his education at Highschool in Picton he began farming with his dad. Herman married Marianne and had six children, Marriane went to be with the Lord in 2022, and Herman remarried Heather. They have a dairy farm in the County . Herman was raised in a Christian home which gave him a foundation for life. He received Christ as a child and later rededicated his life to Christ at a Billy Graham Crusade in Ottawa. Herman has attended Emmanuel for more than 30 years. He loves the church family which has been a real support to them. God is truly good and faithful
Ben Ens
Ben was born and raised in Toronto. As a teen he knew God and knew he was called to a life of serving the Lord. He and his wife Heather met through a church teen group and eventually fell in love and married when they were 23. They continued faithfully participating in the church they met in, had two children, Elise and Thomas, and decided to move to the County in 2006 where they started attending Emmanuel Baptist Church that summer. It is at Emmanuel that the call on his life and service to the Lord became a joy when Ben started understanding how personal a savior Jesus really is. Other than spending time with family, Ben enjoys sports of all kind and still plays on our Friday night softball team.... when he’s not injured from play the previous week. Ben loves Jesus, and hopes to show that by loving God’s people and those who haven’t accepted Jesus yet. 1 John 4:9-11, .... the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him. In this love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
Paul Robinson

If you would like to contact one of staff or elders, please fill in the form below and we will get in touch with you, thanks.