Backpack Ministry
The Backpack Ministry continues to bless both farms and workers in the County by providing needed supplies and support. The farms we connect with are Greer's Asparagus Farm, Lakeshore Farms, Apple Dabble Orchards, Waupoos Winery, Laundry's Market Farm, Hagerman Market Farm, Hillier Creek Estates, Fiddlehead Farm, Three Dog Winery, Fosterholm Farm, Vader's Pea Farm & Sensenstine Landscaping. Not only are the workers themselves quite grateful for the supplies but it is really an outreach to the farmers. Emmanuel and the community have been always been very generous. Thanks again for all the support and prayer. God bless, Backpack Ministry Team
Local Donors: County Dental Care, Home Hardware, St. Vincent de Paul, Giant Tiger, Sudds &Stuff , UCB Canada. We also received numerous financial donations and boxes of items from our generous community which made filling the backpacks a joy!!!! For the fourth year in a row we were able to purchase some rubber boots, pots and pans and rain wear to go with the backpacks, which was very needed by the workers.
Our team consisted of Mary Ann & Bill Barrett, Angela Williams, Lauralee and Bryce Crocket, and Aline Garrett. Hamed Hassani delivered backpacks to two farms in the Waupoos area for which we are grateful.
Needs list: Clothes can be lightly used and in good condition - backpacks, mens hoodies, t-shirts, toques, ball caps, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shoes/boots, raincoats, granola bars, facecloths, hand towels, pen and paper, work gloves, shampoo, men's socks, bibles, No Frills or Tim's gift cards -any amount, shaving cream ,razors, cooking pots with lids. All donations are very much appreciated. Please call 613-393-3014 to arrange donation.
Contact: Bill and Maryann Barrett